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Catalogue d'exposition


German Master Drawings from the Wolfgang Ratjen Collection 1580-1900

Date de parution : 01/01/2010

Editeur :


Nombre de pages : 332

Langue : ANGLAIS

En Résumé :

Catalogue publié à l'occasion de l'exposition présentée à la National Gallery of Art, Washington (Mai-Nov.2010).
This stunning catalogue of 120 German drawings ranging in date from 1580 to 1900 celebrates a major acquisition and an exhibition at the National Gallery of Art. In late 2007 the National Gallery acquired one of the finest private European holdings of old master drawings from German-speaking areas, the Wolfgang Ratjen Collection. It includes superb works spanning such movements as mannerism, the baroque, the rococo, romanticism, realism, and symbolism.
This unique survey of drawings showcases rare and evocative examples by, among others, Hans von Aachen, Johann Rottenhammer, and Adam Elsheimer  studies for ceiling frescoes by Cosmas Damian Asam, Matthäus Günther, and Johann Baptist Enderle  Augsberg designs for rococo prints by Johann Wolfgang Baumgartner, Johann Esaias Nilson, and Gottfried Eichler  exquisite landscape watercolors by Johann Georg von Dillis and Caspar David Friedrich  sensitive portraits by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld and Joseph von Führich  architectural watercolors by Balthasar Neumann, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, and Rudolf von Alt  and realist drawings by Adolph Menzel, Hans Thoma, and Max Liebermann.
Exposition : LONDRES 2010

65,00 €


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fiche technique

ISBN : 9781907372063

Présentation : Relié

Largeur : 240 mm

Hauteur : 320 mm

Poids : 2500 g